Free Downloads
- Brochure: Bioethanol
- Benefits of the IRmadillo in Ethanol - EUR
- Benefits of the IRmadillo in Ethanol - USD
- Fuel Ethanol: Real-time HPLC data in fermentation from FTIR spectroscopy
- Fuel Ethanol: Measuring Lactic Acid in Fermentation
- Fuel Ethanol: Measuring FAN and PAN in fermentation
- Fuel Ethanol: The IRmadillo in the Liquefaction Process
- Fuel Ethanol: The IRmadillo in the Propagation Process
- Fuel Ethanol: The IRmadillo in the Distillation Process
- Fuel Ethanol: Enhancing Plant Safety with Real Time Ethanol Monitoring in Distillation
- Brochure: IRmadillo
- Pulp and Paper: Chemical composition of black liquor
- Pulp and Paper: Reduction efficiency
- Pulp and Paper: Increasing Tall Oil Recovery from Weak Black Liquor though Continuous Process Monitoring
- Pulp and Paper: White water measurement
- Pulp and Paper: Vibration-tolerant FTIR for in-process monitoring and control of recausticising in pulp production
- Brochure: Fats and Oils
- Fats and Oils: Measurement of iodine value in real time
- Fats and Oils: Neutralisation of FFA
- Fats and Oils: Phosphorus measurement in seed oil
- Fats and Oils Case Study: Florin AG Improves Neutralization Efficiency using the IRmadillo FTIR
- Fats and Oils Case Study: Valtris Champlor Improves Production Efficiency using IRmadillo FTIR
The IRmadillo can easily monitor and measure:
- Organic molecules
- Inorganic molecules and ions
- Water content
- Physical properties (i.e. vapour pressure, viscosity etc...)
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